Mark Black's Web Dev Portfolio

About Me

I’m Mark Black, and I’m a full stack software engineer in Shreveport, Louisiana. This website hosts links to some of the projects I’ve developed over the years.

I’m currently looking for work! I have over five years experience working with Go (Golang), PHP, JavaScript (“vanilla JavaScript”, plus the Vue and React frameworks), and, of course, Python. Projects I’ve worked on range from internal tools for the management of complex, heterogeneous, and unstructured data sets, to VoIP applications, to ETL pipelines, and more.

I like to program in my free time. Below, you can check out some of my side projects.

I’m currently looking for remote full stack developer positions, full time or freelancing. You can copy my email address by pressing or clicking here.


Louisiana Covid-19 Trends Explorer

Visualizations of Parish level public health data relating to the Covid-19 pandemic in Louisiana. Backend API powered by, visualizations powered by React and Recharts. Allows users to select and compare Covid-19 trends in each Louisiana parish.

Gotch Bible Workout App

This single page app models the “Gotch Bible” workout system devised by Karl Gotch, catch wrestler and martial artist. It uses the Web Storage API to persist data across sessions and keep track of a user’s workout history. Built with Preact. Previous incarnations were built with Vue and React.

Old Data Visualizations

Data visualizations made independently during my college years, hosted on a page, made with d3.js and Bootstrap.

This Site

This site was built from plain old HTML and CSS, compiled with Hugo, and hosted on Digital Ocean. While it may seem humble, this website is fully accessible and maintains a perfect score on Chrome’s Lighthouse performance metrics.